Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)


Recent Development

Jul 20 2024
Dec 22 2023
Jun 9 2023
May 10 2023
Jan 16 2023
Oct 7 2021
Feb 27 2021
Dec 24 2020
Dec 1 2020
Jun 29 2020
Feb 21 2020
Oct 8 2019
Oct 8 2019
May 22 2019
Dec 14 2018
May 30 2018
Sep 15 2017
Sep 14 2017
Feb 4 2017
Dec 17 2016
Apr 26 2016
Apr 21 2016
Apr 5 2016
Jan 16 2015
Apr 11 2014
Dec 14 2013
Dec 14 2013

Relevant Information

The information of rules and guidelines, methodologies, the Joint Committee and third-parties entities (TPEs) for the JCM between Japan and Cambodia is available on theJCM website.

All documents are downloadable at"Rules and Guidelines" page. (JCM website)

Contact and Application

Joint Committee Secretariat between Cambodia and Japan


* This is a picture image of email address for antispam.

* Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry commissioned the work of the JCM secretariat to Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. (MURC).