Development of Floating Solar power projects that meets local needs
TSB Co., Ltd. has been conducting business development with the aim of expanding the renewable energy power generation business overseas. With considering that floating solar power generation system has less impact on the environment and lead to the utilization of unused land, the company planned to introduce a 5MW floating solar power generation system in a pond in an industrial park in Kabinburi District, Prachinburi Province, Thailand. The company has also developed a project to introduce a 14MW floating solar power generation system in three ponds in Vientiane City, Lao People's Democratic Republic, and each project was adopted as a JCM Model Project in 2016 and 2017.
Floating solar power generation is characterized by its high-power generation efficiency compared to land-based solar power generation. In addition, the water from the pond in the selected project site is used in the factories and dormitories located within the industrial park after purification. Therefore, the floating solar power generation plays a role in securing valuable water resources in areas where securing water resources is essential.
In addition, factories adjoined to the business site require a large amount of water in the production process. However, in Thailand, the pumping of groundwater is prohibited because it causes land subsidence. Under such circumstances, it is important to secure water resources in reservoirs, and the effect of suppressing water evaporation by installing the power generation system also plays an important role in the project site.
In Lao PDR, hydroelectric power generation using abundant water resources is widespread. However, the output of hydroelectric power generation decreases during the dry season. Therefore, it is necessary to secure new energy sources under the government's policy to increase the renewable energy ratio. The floating solar power project that the company developed contributes to this policy.