JCM workshop in Bangladesh
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the Department of Environment on the behalf of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC), Bangladesh jointly organized a workshop on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) and individual consultation session for matching between Bangladesh companies and Japanese companies (about 90 participants).
The Bangladesh side shared the JCM progress in Bangladesh and expressed that implementation of low carbon technologies not only in industry sector but also other sectors and the private sector should have an initiative as well as the government. The Japanese side presented the update on the JCM and Mayekawa MFG. CO. LTD. (Industrial Chiller) and Sharp Energy Solutions Corporation (Solar PV) presented the potential low carbon technologies. It was great opportunity to get to hear positive opinions which the Bangladesh side is interested in introduction of these technologies through the JCM.
After the workshop, the Bangladesh companies participated in the individual consultation session with the Japanese side and asked specific projects. The JCM projects in Bangladesh will be expected to promote through the workshop and the individual consultation session.
Related Links
Outcome Report by IGES (IGES website)
JCM Global Match (GEC website)
- Morning session
- Photo session
- Individual consultation session1
- Individual consultation session2