Participated in Innovate4Climate, Singapore
From June 4th 2019 to June 7th the OECC participated in Innovate4Climate (I4C) in Singapore organized by World Bank.
I4C is an integral part of the global dialogue on climate finance, climate investment, and climate markets, it convenes leaders form business, banking, finance, policy, and technology to think innovatively about how to leverage and direct investment toward low-carbon economies (quote from I4C website).
In order to introduce the JCM activities, IGES, GEC and OECC organized an exhibition booth and also participated in some workshops discussing market mechanisms.
The Ministry of Environment, Japan had organized a workshop about cooperation through the JCM collaborating with the World Bank Group (WBG) on June 6, 2019 and presented the JCM and Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) initiated by WBG. The room was full of participants. In this workshop, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) presented the linkage between the JCM and capacity-building in Indonesia and Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment (MONRE), Vietnam introduced High Efficiency Transformers JCM model project in Vietnam (*1) and expressed effectiveness and spread of the equipment in the whole country.
In other workshop, the JCM was presented as one of the activities based on Article 6 of the Pars Agreement, so the recognition of the JCM seems to have been widely increasing.
Related Links
(*1) High efficiency transformers JCM model project in Vietnam
Innovate4Climate website (Cvent, Inc. website)
- Japan exhibition in I4C venue
- About the JCM presented by Mr. Koakutsu, Director of International Negotiations, MOEJ
- Full participants in the workshop by MOEJ
- Panel discussion in the workshop