- 2019.11.04
[Outcome Report] Workshop on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in Myanmar (IGES)
- 2019.10.15
[Outcome Report] Workshop to Facilitate Matchmaking for Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in Bangladesh (IGES)
- 2019.10.15
Result of Seminar on the JCM Implementation in Vietnam (GEC)
- 2019.10.04
[Outcome Report] Workshop on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) for project participants in Mongolia and Third Party Entity (IGES)
- 2019.09.25
Result of Seminar on the JCM Implementation in Thailand (GEC)
- 2019.09.09
[Outcome Report] Workshop on the Joint Crediting Mechanism in Cambodia Contribution to NDC Roadmap and SDGs Implementation (Cambodia) (IGES)
- 2019.09.05
Result of Seminar on the JCM Implementation in Chile (GEC)
- 2019.09.05
[Outcome Report] Training workshop for Third Party Entity under the Joint Crediting Mechanism (Thailand) (IGES)
- 2019.09.04
[Outcome Report of side event] Contribution to NDC implementation through the JCM - Scaling up the JCM under the Paris Agreement - (Bangkok, Thailand) (IGES)
- 2019.08.02
Preliminary Selection Result for Financing Programme for JCM Model Projects in FY2019 (2nd Selection) (GEC)