Laos: REDD+ project in Luang Prabang Province through slash-and-burn controlling [Waseda University]
Severe deforestation and forest degradation, caused by slash-and-burn farming, is getting worse in different parts of the world, which is also the case with Luang Prabang Province, Lao PDR.
The Slash-and-burn Control Project implemented by Waseda University has organized a REDD+ technical team to introduce alternative livelihood at the villages level to reduce dependency on slash-and-burn farming and to manage forests, covering approximately 30,000 ha.
In addition, aiming at the coexistence with the forests, a monitoring technology was transferred to local residents.
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This project is financially supported by the JCM Model Project of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. Information regarding this project is available at:
REDD+ project in Luang Prabang Province through controlling slash-and-burn (GEC website)
- This project will reduce dependency on slash-and-burn farming which puts an excessive pressure on forest resources.
- After the slash-and-burn (around every March)
- Capacity building activities: Local residents learning monitoring methods using portable GPS devices.
- Capacity building activities: Local residents leaning how to monitor the data needed to calculate carbon stocks
- Local staff analyzing displayed satellite imagery