Laos: REDD+ project in Luang Prabang Province through controlling slash-and-burn [Waseda University]
The REDD+ technical team departed Japan and headed for the unexplored depths of the mountains in Lao PDR. To enhance forest management, the Houaykhing Village is challenging to reduce dependence on slash-and-burn agriculture. The technical team elaborates the strategy to make local residents possible to earn a living with enough yields without slush-and-burn.
Followed the advice from the technical team, the local residents cropped improved variety and brought them up with organic fertilizers made from crop-residue. The harvesting is the rewarded moment for both local and Japanese team members.
Related Links
This project is financially supported by the JCM Model Project of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. Information regarding this project is available at:
REDD+ project in Luang Prabang Province through controlling slash-and-burn (GEC website)
- The project site Houaykhing Village surrounded by mysterious sea of clouds
- Local residents learning how to crop improved variety
- Local residents leaning how to produce organic fertilizers
- Time to harvest crops!
- Selling harvest