Posted an article introducing JCM's contribution to NDCs implementation and SDGs achievement on the IISD Knowledge Hub
An article introducing JCM’s contribution to NDCs implementation and SDGs achievement is now available on the IISD SDG Knowledge Hub.
This article focuses on JCM’s contribution to the NDCs implementation and the SDGs achievement. On the background of link and synergy between climate change and sustainable development, it is introduced the NDCs implementation and renewable energy introduction in Mongolia and frameworks to evaluate contribution to sustainable development achieved by the JCM projects in Mongolia and Indonesia.
The MOEJ and OECC, together with Mongolia’s Ministry of Environment and Tourism, will organize a side event at the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the UNFCCC in Santiago, Chile, to share and discuss the latest progress of the JCM highlighting co-benefits for sustainable development.
Related Links
The article is available at:
How the Joint Crediting Mechanism Can Contribute to NDCs Implementation and SDG Achievement (IISD SDG Knowledge Hub website)
- Posted on IISD Knowledge Hub