JCM Side Event at the COP22
18 Nov was the final day of the COP22 Japan Pavilion, which attracted around 1,500 delegates, executives and NGOs during 2 weeks. To adjourn the Japan Pavilion, the side event “Achievements and Current Progress of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM): Cooperative approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement” was held.
At every COP, the JCM side events have been co-organized by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC) since 2011. The climax of the event was a dynamic panel discussion inviting panelists from JCM partner countries! This time, the OECC interviewed and invited comments from Indonesia and Mongolia, which issued JCM credits in 2016, as well as Cambodia and Chile.
While the status of JCM implementation differs from one country to another, as some countries have developed many projects already while other countries are trying to promote its implementation in the near future, the panelists from each partner country shared various experiences and opinions, and expressed their expectation on further development of the JCM.
In the beginning of the event, the UNFCCC secretariat and the MOEJ shared updates on the market mechanisms including the JCM in the climate change negotiations.
Related Links
- "Rich experienced JCM gentlemen" discussing their experience and next steps of JCM scheme
- Despite the final day of the COP22, around 60 participants attending and showing their keen interests in the JCM.