[Outcome Report] "REDD+ Start-up Year 2020: Roadmap to Result-based and Transferable Outcomes for Sustainable Development"
International Seminar “REDD+ Start-up Year 2020: Roadmap to Result-based and Transferable Outcomes for Sustainable Development” was held on 21 January 2020 in Tokyo (Organized by Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute).
The seminar shared information of various tools enabling international transfer of mitigation outcomes through support and implementation of REDD+ activities, and discussed current and future opportunities.
Ministry of the Environment, Japan presented the progress of negotiations on Paris Agreement’s ‘Cooperative approaches’ such as the JCM, and shared latest development of the JCM including the REDD+ activities.
Details of the event are available at here. (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute. REDD Research and Development Center website)
- Presenter on the seminar
- Presentation by Ms. Uga, Ministry of the Environment
- Overview of the seminar